Parks & Recreation
The Spring Lake Improvement District oversees parks and recreation areas. Pine Breeze Park, located next to the District Office, provides a large Shelter for events, tennis courts, basketball courts, picnic areas, playground equipment, and a community center residents may rent. Several other parks throughout the community offer amenities as well. Arbuckle Creek Park is located at the junction of Arbuckle Creek and Lake Isktopoga and has a boat ramp, fishing pier, picnic area, and restroom. It is available free of charge by securing a lock code from the District Office. The park in Village VIII, Lakeside Estates, is privately owned and operated by the Homeowners Association.
Services provided by the District to parks and recreation include, but are not limited to:
- Mow all park areas and entrance ways; including entrance sign areas, main village entrances, road medians and Duane Palmer Boulevard medians.
- Maintain entrance signs by rebuilding and repainting, and maintaining the timer lights on signs.
- Maintain all courts and playground equipment.
- Trim trees in parks and road medians for aesthetic purposes.
- Maintain the Community Center by performing regular maintenance as needed. To rent the community center contact the District Office.
- Collect trash from Parks and Community Center at least once per week.
- Provide and maintain picnic tables and barbecue grills in parks.
Parks in Spring Lake:
- Arbuckle Creek Park
- Spring Lake Village I Park
- Pine Breeze Park
- Russ Ankrom Park
- William H. Gentry, Jr. Memorial ECO Park
- Bark Park