Holiday Giving Ideas
If this time of the year brings out your giving spirit, here are some things for you to consider that will benefit the community you live in. If you would like to donate, simply write out a check and put the name of the fund in the memo section, and bring it or mail it to the District Office at 115 Spring Lake Blvd. A number of people make donations in the name of a loved one. If that is the case, please let us know so that the gift can be acknowledged.
1) WATER ANGEL FUND: This program has been in place for over a decade. People donate to the fund and we monitor residents who are in need and anonymously credit their water bills. Many heartwarming stories have been shared in issues of The Breeze.
2) MCKENNA MEMORIAL FUND: Named after Tim McKenna, long time Board member and Chairman, who passed away suddenly last year at a young age. Tim was a huge advocate for the expansion of parks and recreation in Spring Lake. This fund is restricted to special parks and recreation projects.
3) BARK PARK FUND: Donations to this fund benefit the Dog Club and improvements at the Park. Many gifts have been made in memory of a departed dog.
If you are guided to help support these funds, we thank you in advance.
From our District Board and Staff, we wish all of our residents and landowners a Blessed and Merry Christmas, and a Happy 2024.