The Board and staff of the District wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. The District offices will be closed on Thursday and Friday. In other news and updates:
*Construction is about to begin along Duane Palmer Blvd. from the wastewater plant to just past the Dog Park. New force mains are being installed to accomodate future wastewater connections. The District plans to pursue Grants and Legislative Appropriations for the conversion of septic tanks to the sewer system.
*There is a lot of national attention being brought to the use of Flouride in public water systems. Spring Lake does NOT use flouride.
*The District and the Airport met in the courtroom on November 22nd to present a summary judgement request to Judge Estrada. The Airport continues to resist any financial support to the District for their use of the stormwater system that all of our residents pay for. In spite of the millions of dollars they receive from the race track, rents, and leases, they say we have no right to try and charge them a user fee. We are hopeful for a decision just after the first of the year.
*Continue to visit the District website at www.springlakefl.com for all the latest news and updates, including Board packets for all meetings.